Monday, June 14, 2021

Published June 14, 2021 by with 5 comments



When work separate us, no matter how important service is, there is something we are missing that makes life fulfilling. 

If there is no fulfillment, sense of well-being and happiness, what purpose is two earnings and living two homes? When homes are empty of laughter and tears, it’s a lonely hospice where sick are left waiting to go home.

We marry to live together, to look after each other, to care for our children as they grow. But today many parents are separated by their nature of work and workplace. 

Parents work to earn to make a better future at the cost of living separately, risking travels between houses, sleeping to a quiet night and rising to a lonely day. While it appears there are two income sources, there are two expenditure too. While it appears there are two houses to live, there are are two groups to worry. While there are two sets of belongings to own, there are two tasks for a family. While tencnology seem to ease the connection, it equally brews disconnection and threatens misunderstandings.

The only connection is calls and messages, video talks and pictures, that have replaced touch of warmth and love. The connection only deepens nostalgia and longing, rousing subtle fear of future and urge to fly and leap. Technology, no matter how life-like, cannot give life meaning and purpose every man seeks, it only dulls the pain.

To remain as if everything is well and good, smiling amd laughing at work when a empty feeling lingers, it slowly cuts into the health and heart of everyone in a family. Perhaps, children are affected irreparably at a very moral and psychological level.

This calls for sacrifice and courage without pretext, to risk and live two lives with one breath to live with.



  1. Replies
    1. This is how we can shed the emotions that hang us down sir

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hang in there la Kardo, this too shall pass. I have been through the same too. Have patience; 'time' is the ultimate solution.
