Monday, May 24, 2021

Published May 24, 2021 by with 0 comment


 ( A humble tribute to my Greatest epitome of Greatness)

I wake to the chirping birds breaking the quiet morning

And begin thoughts for the day without doubt 

Of Covid in the neighborhood 

Without fear even if lockdown news comes,

For My Godly King keeps watch everyday,

And we are trained and taught and reminded to guard,

Guarded by heroes at the borders and gates,

I trust our divine protectors that our prayers shall be heard

And happiness shall prevail every other morning

To live everyday guarding our own

Playing little parts to the wisdom of our tireless King

Our relentless Covid warrior, our Godly guide!

Because there is our King walking the frontiers,

Guiding every step to a sovereign safety of His people

Away from the palace and the baby prince

Along heat of the summer plains

Into the hamlets and towns stilled by an outbreak

I live my day like Covid is a fairy story tale,

Beginning my day to a quiet sitting in meditative notes,

I rise and rustle with calmness after a good night’s slumber

To a day I know deep in my heart will be just another day

Of promise and peace, of hope and dream,

Because my King is an absolute answer

Because my King is a Bodhisattva, our compassionate Buddha!

We cannot fail in our duties to ensure safety of our own

And our family and neighbors;

We cannot be deaf to the government at the prime of task

And to people who serve to guard our doors,

When Our King travels day and night place to place,

When His Golden Throne is under the shade of a tree,

When His rest house is beneath a shed,

When His bed is slept in the wee hours,

When His footsteps marks new paths;

Our promises cannot be mere words to flaunt in pride

That we are Bhutanese with a kind heart

Without offering prayers and becoming part of a Royal vision.



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