Friday, March 19, 2021

Published March 19, 2021 by with 0 comment


It confuses me when people begin to doubt about Covid19 vaccine quicker than medical specialists should. In fact Bhutanese people have been fortunate to have three medical persons at the highest apex of our government at a time when country most needed it. It cannot have been this better even as a coincidental event for a nation to pride.

We cannot deny the infinite compassion and wisdom with with His Majesty the King ensured safety and well-being of every Bhutanese during the pandemic. There is no example of a King who would rather walk the land, leaving a new born prince and queen mother, to inspire frontline workers and people during Covid outbreak. It’s fairy tale at the darkest hours! Moreso, with His Excellency the Prime Minister a medical specialist to lead and guide us through the darkest days of the world, our confidence have remained steadily hopeful that all measures against the pandemic will be managed well, and we shall be safe. We had no reason to panic and be scared like other nations. If we have remained complacent, it is because we had a subconscious sense of safety.

Bhutan is one of the only countries to have been able to ensure total safety from Covid virus when many countries faced uncontrolled death, loss of control and care, although they are far more advanced than us. When Covid vaccine began to arrive into the country, there were people who doubted its viability, and these were educated people. The doubts infiltrated our society to worsen doubts exaggerated by assumptions. We seem to suddenly become more wiser and sensitive than the wisdom of our leadership who made the possibility of shipping in vaccines when many people in other countries have little or no sooner hope to get the potent doses.

Some countries in the European Union have temporarily It takes a small news of temporary suspension of AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine in some countries in the European Union to make many people reluctant to register for vaccination. In fact, the suspension was a precautionary measure based on reports of rare blood coagulation disorders in persons who had received the vaccine. The venous thromboembolic as it is known is the third most common cardiovascular disease which is globally known to occur frequently even otherwise. The study carried out has not associated any relation to AstraZeneca and was considered safe. The mild fever and other minor issues after vaccination are not new to Covid vaccine, yet people assume Covid unsafe. The conclusion is subjective, and not based on scientific and medical results. 

Is this a matter of trust going wrong? How can we distrust the expediency of our leaders to have managed to get vaccine from India and waited upon for more than a month to study the medical impacts in other countries.If it was not for our beloved King’s compassion and leadership, vaccines gifts could not be possible. I can never feel safer anywhere than Bhutan at this time, when PM is a doctor and Minister of Health is a Public Health personnel with years of expertise.

As educated individuals, it becomes our responsibility to sheaf through to analyse and understand the situation before making comments. How educated people make remarks on the efforts of the King and government can disable the trust and loyalty of the uneducated and literate?

It is time we walk forward with open eyes to see the long term benefits of vaccination for a small countries like ourselves. The pandemic has left many jobless, many worried and many works and programmes suspended. Our production facilities across the nation have stalled, skilled workforce have decreased and income from tours and travels have fallen. The economic impact is beginning to be felt in the inflation of prices and in the limits of work forces. It is imminent that we remain immune to ensure new normal circumstances to begin normally and getting vaccinated has become our last choice for a faster redemption from after affects of pandemic. For a small country, small events matter in a huge way, and we cannot close our eyes to better choices. We must be prepared, biologically, to ensure national immunity against the threat of losing lives. Do we have better choices if Covid outbreak happens for the third time and that too at a disastrous level.

If we fail to trust the leadership at the apex of government, and that too medical specialist, we fail to trust ourselves. The sovereignty of Bhutanese people lies in the virtuous thoughts of our citizen. I would like to believe we can serve well by being morally stronger and rationally decisive by following directions that undeniably comes from the very wisdom of our Golden throne.



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