Saturday, March 6, 2021

Published March 06, 2021 by with 0 comment


Adversities are times that test how contrasting and crude our sense of being Buddhist is. We often feign to be good until adversities, challenges and defeats are imminent. We tend to become reactive, personal and protective about ourselves and those dear to us.
Our Buddhist prayers include four foundations: That may all being be happy, may all beings have no suffering and so forth. In the temples and while donning maroon scarf, we become generous in our prayers, when sitting at a teaching hall before a Guru, we promise to change and serve humanity in selfless ways.

We give advices and speeches that talks about virtues of being humane. We know we must not deride and defame,lie and cheat others, and that we must treat every circumstances as delusion of our mind. That we must know every effect has cause, and causes arise from interdependent conditions. These are ripening of karmic deeds from past and are unavoidable. We create karma everyday and it’s qualities are determined by what we do. How can we feign to be good when we are not as parent and leader, uncles and aunt, friends and foes?
As the pandemic virus become windswept across the international boundaries, we are asked questions, making accusations and defaming individuals and people, system and nation. As it arrived in Bhutan, many of us became reactive. The courage and trust we had on ourselves felt shaken. The blame is placed on the government, and questions raised to deride authorities for being not proactive. Everyone believes, people at the top must do every thing everyone suggests in the media. Conclusion are drawn too quickly from what they heard and believed.
Even as people began to ask questions and doubted themselves, our beloved King and the government played out compassionately, strategically and with forbearance. People began to come forward to play their parts, proving there are many who are ready to serve with their life.
Our Kings have proven their loyalty, their leadership and words, by being among us when our nation is shadowed by impending national disaster. As much as we trust and commit to the golden throne on good days, we must commit to be serve and support as a family of a small nation until good days come by.
Our government have laid out preparedness plan well before the virus arrived, ensuring calmness and assurance to the last day so that we live our lives well rather than panic long before anything happened. Our government maintained its readiness and calm, and this is being courageous.
We must applaud the sacrifices our leaders make, the decisions they make and connection they maintain with us all to assure that, everything possible is being done.
I consider myself fortunate that our King, our Lyonchhen, our Lyonpos, parliamentarians, our leadership at the apex of decision making are there to sacrifice and ensure safety for us.
When countries and continents around us are facing the disease like wild fire, it is evident that spark would befall us too. Some of our educated people believe that the Covid-19 must be made impossible to intrude into our country, and it was history when we compare to any other countries larger than ours!
This is the time we support each other, think for us all than ourselves only. This is the time our Buddhist virtues, our speeches and boastful goodness must come to light. Otherwise, are we even Bhutanese our kings trust.
As the days go by, let us not be complacent. Our complacency must not cause the nation price citizens will have to pay. We have come this far, a year gone by, and this is what makes us Bhutanese, to be able to overcome adversities by standing along with the beacon of Royal guidance and guidance of our government.


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