Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Published February 24, 2021 by with 0 comment



If schools fail to see schooling as the greatest land for children to imbibe culture and tradition we pride as Bhutanese, our children would graduate with lesser appreciation of what makes us uniquely rich by culture.

Schools must engage students through a variety of activities beyond the classroom to gain direct experience of how and what about some traditional activities. Children live the memories of what they touch and feel throughout their lives. It is important that schools connect them to our ‘being Bhutanese’ as much as they cherish being connected to the technological advantages.

It is sadly not difficult to notice that, when home Rimdro rituals are performed, children sneak away to their rooms to seek time for internet games. Parents ignorantly or deliberately allow children to be away on their own, when in fact they could teach them their future from what’s happening at home. Parents must engage children in the task and make them work, sit and watch the moments of the Rimdro day. 

If we do not strike a spark of curiosity today, love and appreciation can weaken down the generations. The traditions we dearly pride on will be challenged by their modernistic thoughts. 

Children must learn to balance life between ‘being Bhutanese’ and living the life ahead. The first place to begin is always the quality and vibrancy home, and the second is the school.

Evidently, our students are becoming disconnected from the philosophy we adults have lived through as children. The Buddhist values are taught as knowledge children must learn and not as something precious to practice in life. Sometimes we must reflect if we are connecting our children to the basic principles of life we will appreciate when we look at them in our old age. Are they living a life connected to what we are?

We have lived soiling our hands with the gold dust of traditions from our homes from everything we do. The offering of water bowls, burning incense, welcoming guests Nd serving them, helping through the Rimdro ritual, visiting temples and making pilgrimages, visiting birth and death with equal love and reason, watching archery matches on a Losar, and reaching out to neighbours for help, milestones more.



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